Purpose & Ethics

The Integrated Regenerative Design (IRD) system requires that all projects have a clear statement of purpose and a clearly defined set of design ethics. A good example of a statement of purpose is given by the definition of the purpose of the IRD framework itself.

IRD Statement of Purpose

Integrated Regenerative Design is a professional design and development framework that enables designers and implementers to work together using integrated and transdisciplinary approaches to create projects, products, and processes that are ethically grounded, ecologically regenerative and economically sound, and that produce health and happiness for the individuals and communities who design, build, and use them.


The Integrated Regenerative Design system follows the same set of core ethics that it requires of all IRD projects. The four ethics of IRD are:

  1. The Integrated Regenerative Design process will care for and regenerate the natural ecosystems directly affected by it while producing either neutral or regenerative outcomes for all other ecosystems.
  2. The Integrated Regenerative Design process will care for and nurture all internal stakeholders while producing either neutral or positive outcomes for all external stakeholders, including individuals, communities, and cultures.
  3. The Integrated Regenerative Design process will strive to produce outcomes that are in ecological context with and a balanced part of the larger ecosystem, limiting their scale and resource flows to levels that allow regenerative outcomes indefinitely into the future.
  4. All aspects of our work, including communication, research, funding, collaboration, design, implementation, and operation, will be performed with integrity and transparency, in an environment providing equity, inclusion, and fairness for all involved, working in the best interest of all the living entities that will be affected, and with an honest assessment of the impact for 500 years into the future.